Ham Radio
Ham Radio CD-ROM (Emerald Software) (1995).ISO
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113 lines
A Utility for setting up TNPLUS version 2.10
software prior to programming
By William A. Beech, NJ7P
This utility is specifically designed to assist NodeOps in setting up TNPlus
version 2.10 prior to programming. It is menu driven and simple to use. Be-
fore invoking SET210.EXE, it is assumed the TN210xx.ROM files are available in
the current directory. The commands for bringing up SET210.EXE are:
(For monochrome monitors) SET210 -b
(For CGA color monitors) SET210
SET210.EXE will then load and show the main menu:
; SETPLUS 2.10 (C) by Bill Beech, NJ7P ;
; ;
; (1) Load Binary ROM image ;
; (2) Load HEX ROM image ;
; (3) Edit Parameters ;
; (4) Save Binary ROM Image ;
; (5) Save HEX ROM Image ;
; ;
; Enter Desired Operation (0 to Quit): ;
Ordinarily the binary TN210xx.ROM file will be treated. Following selection
of number 1 from the window, SET210 will ask the name of the file to be loaded.
SET210 will only accept the file name WITHOUT the extension. For instance if
TN210ST is listed, it will be loaded. However, it won't accept TN210ST.ROM as
a valid filename.
After the file is loaded, the main menu will appear on the screen again.
This time select number 3, which allows the custom features to be setup. Other
than installing the callsign/SSID, node alias and password, there is not much
else to do unless parameters other than those displayed, are desired. Normally
the defaulted parameters are adequate for simplex multi-user node operation.
If uncertain about values on any of the first 23 parameters, don't worry about
it as they can be remotely set by SYSOP action. The parameters following
number 23 cannot be changed after the node chip is programmed. A discussion
on parameter settings are contained in files TN210_11.DOC through TN210_16.DOC.
These should be consulted before proceeding.
It should be noted the values listed on the parameter menu are the same as
associated with the specific TN210xx.ROM image file being dealt with. Since
this is subject to variation (for instance, the file passed on to you may have
had the parameters changed somewhere along the line), the recommended defaults
are listed in the following menu. Suggest these be printed out and compared
with the ROM image you are working with.
Recommended node default parameters
; 1. Minimum Quality for Update 86 2. HDLC Channel Quality 100 ;
; 3. RS-232 Channel Quality 255 4. Obs Count Initial Value 6 ;
; 5. Obs Count Minimum for Bcst 5 6. Nodes Bcst Interval (sec) 1800 ;
; 7. FRACK (sec) 6 8. MAXFRAME 7 ;
; 9. Link Maximum Tries 10 10. Validate Callsigns On ;
;11. Host Mode Connects Off 12. TxDELAY (10ms) 30 ;
;13. Broadcast via Port Both 14. # Propagate Off ;
;15. Conn Command Enable On 16. Destination List Length 100 ;
;17. Time-to-live Initializer 12 18. Transport Timeout (sec) 240 ;
;19. Transport Maximum tries 2 20. Transport ACK Delay (sec) 3 ;
;21. Transport Busy Delay (sec) 100 22. Transport Window size 4 ;
;23. Congestion Control Thresh 4
NOTE: The above 23 parameters are remotely SYSOPable.
The following ones are fixed at time of programming:
24. No-Activity Timeout (sec) 900 ;
;25. P-Persistance Thresh 64 26. Slot Time (10ms) 10 ;
;27. Link T2 Timeout (10ms) 100 28. Link T3 Timeout (10ms) 0 ;
;29 Station ID Beacons Used 30. CQ Broadcasts On ;
;31. Full Duplex Off 32. Port Direction A0 B0 ;
;33. Multipliers Off 34. Node Callsign NJ7P -4 ;
;35. Node Alias SVATST 36. Node Password ;
; ;
;Enter Number of Parameter to Change (0 to exit): ;
The Password string requires a minimum of 5 characters and no more than 40
When finished with the parameter menu, select 0 and the main menu will
reappear. Here, choices 4 or 5 are the ones to zero in on. This choice
should be based on whether your EPROM programmer likes a binary or a hex file
to work with. SET210 will assign the appropriate extension, so it is only
necessary to select a suitable filename, such as the node alias when the
prompt for a filename appears.
Parameters 32 and 33 are peculiar to only the TN210TM.ROM image. Therefore
entries are not required of them for the TN210ST.ROM and TN210DX.ROM images.
If any questions or problems develop, drop me a msg via my BBS address.
73 and happy NodeOping!
de Bill, NJ7P@NJ7P.AZ.USA.NA
June 28, 1992